Our daily schedule is as follows:
8:30 a.m. School office opens
8:50 a.m. Morning Bell – Students proceed to classrooms
8:55 a.m. Classes begin
10:35 a.m. Recess begins
10:50 a.m. Recess ends
12:05 p.m. Lunch – Students eat
12:20 p.m. Students go outside
12:55 p.m. Students proceed to class
1:00 p.m. Class resumes
3:00 p.m. Dismissal
Reporting Absences
Each morning our Administrative Assistant verifies all unaccounted student absences. Your cooperation in reporting absences to the school is important. An answering machine is available outside office hours or when the Administrative Assistant is unavailable. The school telephone number is 604-940-4468.
Entering the Building
It’s very important to us to ensure the safety and security of all of our students. As such, the entrances to our building will remain locked throughout the school day. If you need assistance from our Administrative Assistant, have an appointment with a teacher, or need to drop something off for your child, please knock at the front door and we will be happy to let you in.
Healthy Schools- Healthy Students
We greatly appreciate your help with keeping our school, staff, and students as healthy as possible. If your child is unwell- Coughing and hasn’t yet learned to cover with their elbow- or has a runny nose due to a cold and struggles with blowing/wiping their nose, and then washing their hands- or has a fever- please keep them home. With your help, we have a greater chance of keeping everyone healthy throughout the school year!