School Goals or Our Framework for Enhancing Student Learning
In the fall of 2022, we started to look at what our students needed to be successful with their learning. With information from a school-wide survey, primary literacy assessments, information from the 2021-22 Middle Years Development Instrument & the last (2019) Early Years Development surveys, and observations, we zeroed in on two things:
Building Resilience
Improving the Literacy Outcomes for All of our Learners
Resilient students can cope with what can sometimes feels uncomfortable, and can persevere when they face challenges in both their learning and in life. They learn to develop strategies to push through things that are hard to learn and are open to setting goals and receiving feedback from teachers.
We’ll be spending the next few years as a staff working on creating the environment where our students feel safe to take risks with their learning, feel connected to the adults and their peers, and most importantly, a place where they feel a sense of belonging.
At the same time, we’ve been looking at our Literacy programs, both the foundational Literacy programs that happen in our Primary grades and how Literacy skills are extended and enhanced as students move into Intermediate grades. We spent the 2022-23 school year, delving into the current research on how children learn to read and develop literacy skills which will be a great foundation for the work we’ll continue to do.