Our School Goal

At Neilson Grove, we are focusing on Literacy, specifically how to help students develop their writing skills.  We are noticing that students are demonstrating fixed mindsets and a general lack of perseverance with writing assignments and activities.  We are going to be working on developing teaching strategies that help students think about how they’re feeling about writing activities and assignments, develop strategies for students to use when they’re feeling uncertain, uncomfortable, and learn to identify and celebrate their successes.

Our Inquiry Question:  To impact a positive change on students persevering with writing tasks to produce writing that matches what we know to be their ability level.

Curricular Connection– Big Ideas in English Language Arts: (K-2) “Playing with language helps us discover how language works.” (3-5) “Using language in creative and playful ways helps us understand how language works.” (6 & 7) “Developing our understanding of how language works allows us to use it purposefully.”

Connection to Vision 2030: Based on the mission to inspire and nurture thriving, future-ready learners, we want to look at zeroing in on the two concepts of nurturing and future-ready, we want to develop writing instructional practices/routines that help students solidify and build their writing skills. In building these practices and routines, we know also that it is important to create a climate and structures within the learning environment that help students understand learning new, and sometimes challenging things may not be easy and can sometimes feel uncomfortable. Pushing through those uncomfortable feelings helps students feel a sense of pride and builds resilience.

We’re looking forward to communicating the ways your children are developing their skills and how they feel about writing activities throughout the school year.